Git config -global "C:/Program\ Files/SourceGear/Common/DiffMerge/sgdm.exe \"$LOCAL\" \"$REMOTE\"" gitconfig to configure GIT use DiffMerge: git config -global diff.tool diffmerge
#Diffmerge free update
The following commands in a Command Prompt window will update your. Paths must be specified relative to the root of the repo.I found two ways to configure " SourceGear DiffMerge" as difftool and mergetool in Github Windows. $WATCH_FILES can be set to a list of files delimited by braces | such as index.html|js/jquery.js. Note that this is a general script, though I have specified the config vars at the top for your purposes. Git commit -m "Also including changes from $WATCH_BRANCH's $LATEST_COMMIT" LATEST_COMMIT=$(git rev-parse $WATCH_BRANCH) # commit with a chance to edit the message, then go back to watched branch # checkout latest version of each watched file and add to index If $(echo "$CHANGED_FILES" | grep "^$WATCH_FILES$" -q) then # only update if watched files have changed in the latest commitĬHANGED_FILES=$(git show -pretty="format:" -name-only $WATCH_BRANCH) # bail out if this commit wasn't made in the watched branch I've cooked up such a post-commit script that watches for changes to certain files and commits them to another branch: You can do it with a post-commit hook to update the relevant files in the gh-pages branch automatically. However, you can automate committing the changes to gh-pages and pushing to make your life easier. I can't help you with tricking IE, and I think from that angle what you are looking for is impossible (and discouraged, since that is not the purpose of Github's raw URLs).
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