
Old maplestory classes
Old maplestory classes

old maplestory classes

Pirates may choose between Brawlers or Gunslingers.

old maplestory classes

Finally, a Warrior can choose between becoming a Page who attacks with blunt weapons or swords, a Spearman who uses spears or pole arms, or a Fighter who uses swords or axes. A Bowman can choose to become a Hunter who equips a bow or a Crossbowman who sports a crossbow. Magicians will be given the option of either Cleric with healing and Holy-based attacks, or two different types of Wizards with either fire and poison or ice and lightning attacks. An Assassin's weapon of choice is a claw that is used to launch throwing stars a Bandit wields daggers. Thieves may choose between Assassins or Bandits. The classes that are made available this time differ with the player's first job.

old maplestory classes

Only characters levels 30 and upward are allowed to gain more power by performing a job change. However, for Explorers, once you reach level 101, you can change to another job in the same branch (e.g., if you are a Corsair, you can change your job to a Cannon Master or a Buccaneer, and your DEX will automatically convert to STR). It should be noted that once a character has chosen a certain job, he/she cannot change it. All future job advancements will merely refine and strengthen this initial choice. It should be noted that you may be over the level to make the job advancement, but this is not recommended, especially if you are a magician or a warrior, as you will lose HP or MP, depending on your class. The first job choice decides the class of the character. Each job has different stat requirements. All jobs require the player to be at least level 10 prior to advancement. Players are faced with 5 choices: the Warrior, Bowman, Thief, Magician or Pirate. Once players have trained their characters to the appropriate levels and have met the stat requirements, they may complete the first job advancement. Most Explorer characters begin the game as Beginners in Maple Island.

Old maplestory classes