
Tvtropes heroes of the storm
Tvtropes heroes of the storm

He loves the song of swords and considers poison to be a coward's weapon. Robert is as strong as a bull and fearless in battle. According to Petyr Baelish, Robert is practiced at closing his eyes to things he would rather not see. Although several people consider Robert to be brave, Cersei believes him to be a coward. Cersei Lannister considers her husband to be an ignorant, dumb, slow-witted, drunken brute of a man, who does not have the ruthless streak she believes a king requires. Tyrion Lannister considers Robert to be a great blustering oaf, while Varys describes him as a fool. As king, Robert is no longer used to someone disagreeing with him, and he can be manipulated by others if advised not to do something. He is proud, and will not likely back down on words spoken in a drunken bravado. Well loved by soldiers, Robert is brave, but headstrong, rash, and impatient. Robert's beard, a wild, thick and fierce thing, hides his double chin. Now, he is often red-faced from drink, with dark circles underneath his eyes, and walks as if he is half in his cups, while sweating through his silks. In the nine years since, he gained at least eight stone. Due to excessive feasting and drinking, Robert gained a significant amount of weight. He was strong and powerful, and muscled "like a maiden's fantasy." In 289 AC, after putting down Greyjoy's Rebellion, Robert's appearance began to change. As a young adult, Robert was a handsome, clean-shaven man, with rough and hard hands. He is a very tall man Eddard Stark estimates his height to be six and a half feet. His heavy black hair is thick on his chest, and coarse around his sex. Robert has the classic Baratheon look: black hair and bright blue eyes. In the television adaptation Game of Thrones he is played by Mark Addy. With her, Robert has three children: Joffrey, Myrcella, and Tommen. Following the war, Robert married Cersei Lannister to ensure political stability. Robert was crowned king after King Aerys II Targaryen, his first cousin once removed, was killed during Robert's Rebellion. Robert I Baratheon is the King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm of Westeros, and the head of House Baratheon of King's Landing. King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Menġst: Stannis Baratheon (heir presumptive) ( 283– 286 AC) Ģnd: Joffrey Baratheon ( 286– 298 AC) Lord Paramount of the Stormlands (granted to Renly) Robert Baratheon, as depicted by Magali Villeneuve in The World of Ice & Fire

Tvtropes heroes of the storm